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being good to our planet

When we set about to change the game in Australia's telco space, that included finding a way to offer great internet and technology services while also being good to people and planet. What's the point of having high-speed internet and reliable connections if we don't have a healthy planet to enjoy it in?

game changing for everyone
Our Initiatives

taking steps to ensure a greener future

carbon neutral

carbon neutral

In partnership with Carbon Neutral, we assessed our carbon footprint and discovered that our activities, like supply chain purchases and staff commuting, generated around 3,735 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2-e) in FY21. To offset this, we purchased and surrendered 3,735 carbon credits, including Australian Biodiverse Reforestation Carbon Offsets (BRCO), which helps plant over 50 native species in the Yarra Yarra biodiversity corridor.

But we know carbon offsets can only help so much. That's why we are prioritising maintaining our carbon neutral footprint, while reducing our carbon output as much as we practically can.

sustainable procurement: givvable

Sustainable Procurement: Givvable

We are an early adopter of Givvable, which helps us track suppliers' sustainable procurement credentials in real time. We actively promote the platform with suppliers, setting expectations for them to gain ESG certifications and leveraging the educational resources in Givvable to support their certifications. Since adopting the platform in 2021, certifications held by our suppliers have increased from 23% to 41%.

investing in solar power

investing in solar power

In 2023, we are installing a 212kW solar array on the roof of our Dandenong South office, and are continuing to explore opportunities for renewable energy in our other office locations

They have our support

our charity partners

As part of our Helping Communities Connect program, we provide grants or discounted services to a number of sustainable organisations, enabling them to continue their good work for our planet.



We provide internet services to environmental education charity CERES, and help them promote events, programs and community activities that support healthy ecosystems, resilient communities and regenerative agriculture. Our support enables them to better connect with their 2 million annual students and visitors (online and in person), creating a world where people have fallen in love with the Earth again.

bay islands conservation group

bay islands conservation group

By sponsoring the Bay Islands Conservation group, the group can make better use of their limited funds to maintain their indigenous plant nursery, providing native plans to the local Southern Moreton Bay Island community in Queensland. We have also helped them provide environmental educational programs.

river conservation society

river conservation society

The River Conservation Society studies, protects and restores native flora and fauna and their ecosystems, particularly around the Avon River in York, Western Australia. They also hold environmental workshops for the wider community. Our support has helped to reduce running costs, which means they can reallocate donated funds to environmental work.

Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation

Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation

The Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation, based in the remote Arnhem Land community of the Bulman/Weemol Country, use traditional land management practices to care for country. This includes fire management and carbon capture. by providing free internet services. We provide them with internet services so they can keep connected with their community and share their knowledge with the world.

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