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How to set up your Netcomm NF20MESH

Last Updated: Tuesday 25 Mar 2025

Netcomm NF20MESH router

If you've purchased the Netcomm Cloudmesh NF20MESH from Aussie broadband, it should come pre-configured. That means all you need to do to connect the Netcomm to the internet is plug it in.  

If you’ve reset your router, or you’ve brought an NF20MESH from another provider, you may need to change the settings. 

Note: If the menu of your Netcomm looks different to the below instructions, your device may be using older firmware.
You can configure your Netcomm while using older firmware with this guide. 

If you have Netcomm NS-02 satellites, click here to read our setup guide.

Click here to read the Netcomm NF20MESH user guide.

Select your connection type below for step-by-step instructions in configuring your Netcomm’s settings: 

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Fibre to the Curb (FTTC), Fixed Wireless (FW), and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) 

Fibre to the Building (FTTB) and Fibre to the Node (FTTN)  

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Fibre to the Curb (FTTC), Fixed Wireless (FW), and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) connections 

Via the Quick Start Wizard (recommended) 

  1. Connect a computer or phone to the Wi-Fi network of the Netcomm router. The ‘WiFi Network Name’ and ‘WiFi Password’ is listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm. 
    Note: When your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network, it may say ‘connected, but no internet’. That’s normal at this stage. 

  2. Open a web browser. Type in the address bar and press Enter.Image of the NF20MESH login screen

  3. To login, your username is ‘admin’. Your password will be listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm router.
    Note: The password needed here is different than the WiFi Password. You can find it underneath ‘Gateway Login Page’.

  4. Select RUN QUICK START WIZARD from the ‘QUICK TASKS’ bar.Image of the NF20MESH main menu

  5. Select the following:

    o   INTERNET SERVICE: Ethernet WAN

    o   CONNECTION TYPE: Dynamic IP

    o   Leave the others as is.Image of the NF20MESH settings for an ethernet connection

  6. Click Next.

  7. Optional: change your Wi-Fi Network Name and Wi-Fi password, then click Next.Image of the Wi-Fi settings menu for the NF20MESH

  8. Optional: Click Next until you reach GATEWAY SECURITY. Change your router Login Username and Login Password, then click Next.
    Note: If you reset your router in the future, these will go back to the default on the base of the Netcomm.

    STOP: If you use a VoIP service with Aussie Broadband, you’ll need to enter your VoIP settings at this stage. Read our guide to setting up VoIP here.

  9. Select the appropriate time zone for your region, then click Next.

  10. Click Finish.

Via the settings menu

  1. Connect a computer or phone to the Wi-Fi network of the Netcomm router. The ‘WiFi Network Name’ and ‘WiFi Password’ is listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm.

    Note: When your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network, it may say ‘connected, but no internet’. That’s normal at this stage.

  2. Open a web browser. Type in the address bar and press Enter.Image of the NF20MESH login screen

  3. To login, your username is ‘admin’. Your password will be listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm router.
    Note: The password needed here is different than the WiFi Password. You can find it underneath ‘Gateway Login Page’.

  4. Click INTERNET on the left-hand side of the screen.

  5. A table will appear. If anything is listed under Current Connections, click the description on each row, then click Delete until there are no more current connections.

  6. Click Create New.

  7. Adjust the settings to the following:

    Image of ethernet settings

  • Description: Aussie Broadband

  • Internet Service: Ethernet WAN

  • Connection Type: Dynamic IP

  • Primary DNS server:

  • Secondary DNS server:

  • 802.1P: -1

  • VLAN Tag: -1

  • NAT: Enabled

  • MTU size: 1500

  • MSS size: 1460

  • IP Protocol: IPv4

  • IGMP: Enabled

8. Click Apply.

NOTE: If you use a VoIP service with Aussie Broadband, you’ll need to enter your VoIP settings at this stage. Click PHONE from the left-hand side menu and read our guide to setting up VoIP here.

Fibre to the Building (FTTB) and Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connections

Via the Quick Start Wizard (recommended)

  1. Connect a computer or phone to the Wi-Fi network of the Netcomm router. The ‘WiFi Network Name’ and ‘WiFi Password’ is listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm.
    Note: When your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network, it may say ‘connected, but no internet’. That’s normal at this stage.

  2. Open a web browser. Type in the address bar and press Enter.Image of the NF20MESH login screen

  3. To login, your username is ‘admin’. Your password will be listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm router.
    Note: The password needed here is different than the WiFi Password. You can find it underneath ‘Gateway Login Page’.

  4. Select RUN QUICK START WIZARD from the QUICK TASKS bar.Image of the NF20MESH main menu

  5. Select the following:



    Leave the others as is.Image of NF20MESH VDSL settings

  6. Click Next.

  7. Optional: change your Wi-Fi Network Name and Wi-Fi password, then click Next.Image of the Wi-Fi settings menu for the NF20MESH

  8. Optional: Click Next until you reach GATEWAY SECURITY. Change your router Login Username and Login Password, then click Next.
    Note: If you reset your router in the future, these will go back to the default on the base of the Netcomm.

  9. Select the appropriate time zone for your region, then click Next.

  10. Click Finish.
    Note: If you use a VoIP service with Aussie Broadband, you’ll need to enter your VoIP settings at this stage. Read our guide to setting up VoIP here.

Via the settings menu

  1. Connect a computer or phone to the Wi-Fi network of the Netcomm router. The ‘WiFi Network Name’ and ‘WiFi Password’ is listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm.
    Note: When your device is connected to the Wi-Fi network, it may say ‘connected, but no internet’. That’s normal at this stage.

  2. Open a web browser. Type in the address bar and press Enter.Image of the NF20MESH login screen

  3. To login, your username is ‘admin’. Your password will be listed on the sticker on the base of the Netcomm router.
    Note: The password needed here is different than the Wi-Fi Password. You can find it underneath ‘Gateway Login Page’.

  4. Click INTERNET on the left-hand side of the screen.

  5. A table will appear. If anything is listed under Current Connections, click the description on each row, then click Delete until there are no more current connections.

  6. Click Create New.

  7. Adjust the settings to the following:

  • Description: Aussie Broadband

  • Internet Service: VDSL

  • Connection Type: Dynamic IP

  • Primary DNS server:

  • Secondary DNS server:

  • 802.1P: -1

  • VLAN Tag: -1

  • NAT: Enabled

  • MTU size: 1500

  • MSS size: 1460

  • IP Protocol: IPv4

  • IGMP: Enabled

Image of NF20MESH VDSL Settings8. Click Apply.
Note: If you use a VoIP service with Aussie Broadband, you’ll need to enter your VoIP settings at this stage. Click PHONE from the left-hand side menu and read our guide to setting up VoIP here.

If you have any questions or would like further assistance with setting up, feel free to contact our friendly Customer Service team via LiveChat, or call 1300 880 905, available 8am – midnight (AEST) every day (except Christmas and Good Friday).

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