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Huawei Box Lights Explained

Last Updated: Tuesday 13 June 2023

PowerSteady GreenThe terminal is powered on.
PowerOffThe power supply is cut off.
LOS/PONOffOffThe PON terminal is prohibited by the upper-layer device or the optical power is abnormal. Contact the service provider for help.
LOS/PONBlinks twice a secondBlinks twice a secondThe PON terminal is prohibited by the upper-layer device or the the optical power is abnormal. Contact the service provider for help.
LOS/PONBlinks twice a secondOff The PON terminal attempts to set up a connection with its upper-layer device.
LOS/PONSteady onOffA connection is set up between the PON terminal and its upper-layer device.
LOS/PONOffBlinks once two secondsThe PON terminal is not connected to optical fibres or does not receive optical signals.
LOS/PONBlinks once two secondsBlinks once two secondsThe hardware is faulty.
LAN 1-4Steady onSteady onThe Ethernet connection is in the normal state.
LAN 1-4BlinkingBlinkingData is being transmitted on the Ethernet port.
LAN 1-4OffOffThe Ethernet connection is not set up.
TEL 1-2Steady onSteady onThe terminal is registered with the softswitch but no service flows are transmitted.
TEL 1-2BlinkingBlinkingService flows are transmitted.
TEL 1-2OffOffThe terminal is not powered on or fails to be registered to the softswitch, or the POTS port in not enabled.

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