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VoIP settings

Last Updated: Thursday 8 Aug 2024

If you have brought your own modem to use with Aussie Broadband, you will need to configure your VoIP to be compatible with our services.

To access the basic settings to setup your modem to use its VoIP capabilities please click here.

This guide is for our Netcomm branded modem, but the settings will be universal across other VoIP capable modems.

We have also included some of the basic settings below.

*If you require your VoIP Username and VoIP password, this can be found under the VoIP service in MyAussie® or speak with our support team by calling 1300 880 905

Basic Sip/VoIP Settings
SIP Proxy:
SIP Registrar:
SIP Outbound Proxy:

Note: For Netcomm NF18ACV, NL19, and Netcomm Mesh with NC-16 or NC2 firmware, disable the outbound proxy instead, leaving it blank.

For Netcomm NF20, only disable the outbound proxy on the non-Mesh model.

The username and password for the fields below can be found in the MyAussie® app.

AuthUserName: VoIP username
AuthPassword: VoIP Password
CidName: VoIP username
CidNumber: VoIP username

DNS settings
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

Note: In some devices you may need to set DNS to Manual in some units. It is recommended where possible the DNS is specified in your router and if applicable to your ATA if you have an external VoIP unit such as a Linksys SPA112, SPA3102 etc.

Dial Plans
Please copy and paste the text and double check to make sure there is no spacing in between.

For all NetComm devices


Netcomm NF10WV – if alarm numbers required (1345…. numbers)


For Cisco SPA devices


For all Grandstream HT812 devices:

{ [23456789]xxxxxxx | 0[23478]xxxxxxxx | 13[123456789]xxx | 0011x. | 1[38]00xxxxxx | 000 | 101 | 141}

Settings for some TP-Link modems

Under ‘VoIP and Telephone numbers’ in ‘advanced settings‘:

Telephony Provider: Other provider

Phone number: VoIP username

Registrar Address: AussieBB

Authentication ID: VoIP username

Password: VoIP Password

Registrar port: 5060

SIP Proxy:

SIP Proxy port: 5060

Outbound Proxy:

Outbound Proxy port: 5060

*If you require your VoIP Username and VoIP password, this can be found under the VoIP service in MyAussie® or speak with our support team by calling 1300 880 905

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