Aussie Broadband nominated for two national customer service excellence awards
Media Release | Tuesday 23 June 2020 | 1 min read

Aussie Broadband is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2020 Australian Service Excellence Awards (ASEAs).
The ASEAs are highly prestigious customer service awards across all industries in Australia, not just telecommunications.
Managing Director Phillip Britt said, “We’re extremely pleased that we’ve been nominated for both Customer Service Organisation of the Year (large) and Service Excellence in a Large Contact Centre in the 2020 ASEA awards.”
Phil said the company has built a reputation for excellent customer service and paid a tribute to all the team at Aussie Broadband.
“This is a huge achievement to be recognised as one of the top companies in Australia for customer service. Well done to all of our staff – this is something that they can be very proud of,” Phil said.
Aussie Broadband is a challenger internet service provider, with a reputation for providing high-quality internet and transparent customer service.
“We are in business to change the telco game – not just for our customers, but for all telco customers in Australia,” Phil said.
Aussie has evolved over the past 16 years from a start-up in a Morwell lounge room to the fifth largest provider of NBN services across Australia today.
“We are proud to base our call centres in Australia, so we don’t need to go offshore. Our customers regularly tell us that they feel they are treated as a person by our call centre team, rather than a number,” Phil said.
“Despite the challenges presented by COVID and rapid growth, our customer satisfaction scores have increased to record levels. Over the first 4 months of 2020 we maintained a customer service rating of 8.7 out of 10, but in May, this figure jumped to over 9,” Phil said.
The company is preparing to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) later this year.
All information contained in this media release, including references to costs, speed, and capability of the Aussie Broadband network, was correct at time of publication, and may have since changed.
About Aussie Broadband Limited
Aussie Broadband Group is a fast-growing telecommunications services provider - comprising of the Aussie Broadband and Symbio businesses.
Listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX: ABB), the Group collectively supplies more than 1 million services, operates two Tier 1 voice providers in Australia and owns fibre infrastructure.
The fifth largest provider of broadband services in Australia with continuing growth in the residential segment, the Group provides a broad suite of solutions through its data, voice, and managed solutions to business, enterprise and government customers. Aussie Broadband Group also provides wholesale services to other telecommunications companies and managed service providers.
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