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Issues with SIM registration

Last Updated: Wednesday 26 Apr 2023

Here’s some helpful tip for SIM registration issues:

  1. Make sure your SIM card has been entered into the phone correctly. The gold chip, generally, should be facing the interior of the mobile handset.

  2. Double check that the SIM card is in the SIM card slot and not in the Micro SD slot.

  3. Check that your handset is not locked to another provider.

    • If your handset is branded by a provider (e.g. Telstra), it’s generally a good indicator that it is locked.

    • Getting an error message stating “Invalid SIM”, “SIM unsupported”, or “Network Locked SIM card inserted.”

  4. Check you have mobile coverage.

  5. Ensure that ‘Do Not Disturb’ and ‘Airplane Mode’ are disabled.

  6. Does the SIM card work in an alternate handset?

    • If yes, the issue is likely with the handset.

    • If no, the issue is likely with the SIM card.

If you are still having trouble with your SIM registration, feel free to call our lovely support team on 1300 880 905.

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